Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Arrive in Nairobi

We finnaly arrive in Nairobi at 6AM! We decide to push through and not go to after a little breakfast we hit the sites of Nairobi. First stop the "elephant orphanage", this was a must see for K. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust was established to rescue orphaned elephants and rhinos....usually from poachers. It was recommended that we go for the morning feeding, so we show up and head down to an area that is setup with 8 baby bottles that look like they hold around 5 gallons each. After a couple of minutes a procession of 8 babiee, ranging from about 1 year to 3 years, come stampeding into the ring. We stood around and watched as they feed these amazingly cute babies and told use all of their tear jerking stories....needless to say we were convinced to support their case. Next on the list was the giraffe sanctuary, where we learned all about giraffes and had the opportunity to feed these gentle giants. Time for a late lunch at the #1 restaurant in Nairobi...The Carnivore. We thought this was going to also fall into the catagory of "#1 tourist trap"...much to both our amazment it was very good! This restaurant was initial setup to feature African bush meat, but since the Kenyan govt. past a law, which made it illegal to serve bush meat...they focus on serving a feast of different types of meats ( pork,beef,chicken,alligator,ostrich,lamb and an an asortment of other meats) that are all cooked on an open fire grill. Here's how it works, they put a little stand on your table with a flag on it, they have waiters walking around with swords as skewers with a huge chunk of meat on it. As they come by they explain what they have and unless you say no you get a sample....when you have had enough you take your flag out and lay it down to "surrender" indicating you have had enough. Food was amazing and the decor was very impressive. Ok full belly and no sleep in over 24hrs was a receipe for passing we decided to call it a day as we have an early morning flight to our first camp tomorrow.
Pictures on facebook.

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