Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Stop #3 Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge, Rwanda

Update....we left Saruni Samburu, Kenya and flew back to Nairobi... decided to just chill for the remainder of the day at our hotel,in Nairobi. The next morning we had to head to the airport for an 8:30 flight to Kigali, Rwanda. Our flight was delayed by an hour...but we did finally get moving! There was one stop in Burundi and we arrived in Kigali at 11:30am. We had a driver waiting for us, his name is Innocent. He asked us if we wanted to drive around town or head straight up to the gorilla camp....since it is a 3 hour drive we opted for heading straight up. The drive didn't seem that long, the scenery is amazing, we were going up and down mountains ( they call them hills). We arrive at Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge and were totally in awe! Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge sits 7000 feet up and over looks 2 volcanos...of which one of them we will be hiking up tomorrow to find a family of gorillas. We are here for the next 2 nights, so we will have the opportunity to go gorilla trekking twice.
Pics on facebook.

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