Friday, 12 August 2011

Rwanda gorilla trek part deux

Today we were lucky enough to get to visit with the Sabyinyo family. This family has the largest silver back gorilla in the world, he is 41 yeas old and weighs in at around 250 kilos. We had a great viewing of the family and caught sight of the 2 month old baby. K seems to be a major attraction to the males in these families, as another silverback rushed by her by about 1.5 feet and we thought he was going to grab her leg but didn't. It was all bluster and with the vocalizations from our tracker the silverback continued along the path. We have now wrapped up our 2days of gorilla trekking and had a scenic drive back to Kigali. Off to see 'Africa' night performances in the hotel! Next stop the Serengeti in Tanzania.

1 comment:

  1. "...we thought he was going to grab her leg but didn't." I'm sure the wording here would have been quite different had he in fact grabbed her!!! LOL! This trip seems to just be flying by!
