Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Sayari Mara part II

On Monday morning I woke up still under the weather with a head cold, so I was debating going out on a game drive. Boy am I glad I did! We waited for close to 3 hours watching a herd of about 3000 wildebeest running back and forth between 2 potential crossing points. They are very skiddish and the smallest thing throws them off...but they finally crossed WOW! That was our highlight for the day. The next day we were leaving for our next camp in Tanzania, Sabora Camp...but we still had time for a game drive in the morning. We decided to focus on the cats, more specifically leopards. 5 hours of hunting and no success, they are elusive! We had a 20 minute flight to our next camp Sabora Tanted Camp in the Singita Greumeti Reserve, in Tanzania. All I can say is OMG I'm glad K didn't see this place first it would have spoiled her trip to date...this is just decadent! We start our game drives here tomorrow. I'll post pics on FB asap.

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